This summer, Jalopy Theater is back at Bryant Park sharing a selection of dance music from around the world.

Cristina Vane is an Italian born, emerging Americana artist out of Nashville. Her signature bottleneck slide guitar playing, travis picking, and clawhammer banjo are tied together by her silky, powerful voice and her vivid songwriting.

Fiery Balkan brass, irresistible beats, Roma (Gypsy) accordion wizardry, and virtuoso jazz chops make Slavic Soul Party! NYC’s official #1 brass band for BalkanSoul GypsyFunk. These nine musicians pump the sounds of New York life through a Balkan brass filter, making new music out of immigration, integration, and ingenuity.

Cumbia with a Mexican Jarocho flavor, Guachinangos features members from diverse cultural backgrounds. The band fuses Mexican son jarocho with Colombian cumbia and other Latin American rhythms. Their exciting instrumentation and electrifying stage energy invites anybody to enjoy, sing and move to the rhythm of the music.

Bryant Park Picnic Performances presented by Bank of America is a free outdoor festival that welcomes all New Yorkers to experience the city’s vibrant arts and culture. This summer, enjoy extraordinary artists and events in collaboration with a wide array of New York’s cultural institutions.

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