The FBI and Maui police say they have located several different improvised explosive devices of varying size and shape, which they’ve succesfully disarmed, after an IED exploded last Thursday in the Pukalani area of Hawaii. CBS News correspondent Elise Preston has more. CBS News 24/7 is the premier anchored streamingSpider

Lockheed Martin’s Mako™ hypersonic multi-mission missile is fast and more than ready. And while its design is mature, Lockheed Martin is exploring ways to make it more quickly and affordably.Spider

In this video we are glad to demonstrate MiG-35/35D multirole frontline fighters. The aircraft belongs to the 4th++ generation fighters with extensive use of 5th generation fighter technologies. It is capable of performing combat missions round-the-clock in various weather conditions. Learn more:…Spider

نشرت وزارة الدفاع الروسية يوم الأحد لقطات تظهر ما قالت إنها مواجهات بين جنودها والقوات الأوكرانية في مقاطعة كورسك، الحدودية مع أوكرانيا. اللقطات أظهرت تعرض مركبات ودبابات عسكرية للقصف بالمدفعية، واشتراك طائرات سو-25 في العمليات. وزارة الدفاع لم تحدد تاريخ تصوير المقاطع التي تبث وسط تقدم عسكري أوكراني مستمر لليومSpider

Sergey Nazarov, Co-Founder of Chainlink and Stani Kulecov, Founder & CEO, Aave Labs, join Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq TradeTalks to discuss the convergence of DeFi and traditional institutions and why interoperability is a priority for both. ———————————— Website: Twitter: / tradetalks Subscribe to the TradeTalks Newsletter:…Spider

Our Head of Net Zero, Lahiru Ranasinghe, walks us through the key stages of the first hydrogen refuelling trial ever to take place at a major UK airport. The easyJet-ed project took place at Bristol Airport and involved several industry experts, including the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority. This trial willSpider

Introducing the new BMW 1 Series, with a bold new design and a cutting-edge digital experience. Get ready to experience pure joy with every drive! Step inside to discover a redesigned cabin equipped with full connectivity, new automated driving and parking systems, and the innovative BMW iDrive with QuickSelect forSpider

La familia del CNP esta de enhorabuena este mes de Agosto con la llegada de uno de los eventos mas esperados del año. Este evento es el que se va celebrar en el casino Kings en la ciudad del poker Rozvadov (Republica Checa) y en el que habrá en juegoSpider

الموقع الرسمى لوزارة الدفاع المصرية : الموقع الرسمي لرئاسة جمهورية مصر العربية : قناة رئاسة جمهورية مصر العربية : / @egyptianpresidencySpider

El pleno de investidura del candidato socialista, Salvador Illa, ha dado comienzo sin que el expresident de la Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, esté localizado tras su aparición en el acto organizado por Junts. Los Mossos d’Equadra han activado el dispositivo “Jaula”, con controles en varias vías de salida de Barcelona, paraSpider

Amit Shah, Co-Founder & CEO of Instalily and Jacob Laurvigen, Co-Founder & CEO of Neuralogics, join Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq TradeTalks to discuss why AI is about to make all of us software developers and what investors should look for when determining what to invest in. ———————————— Website: Twitter:Spider

Les Wexner, the Victoria’s Secret billionaire who stepped down from his company L Brands in 2020 amid scrutiny over his ties to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, is cashing in on the AI surge. Read the full story on Forbes:… Subscribe to FORBES:… Fuel your success with Forbes.Spider

At a two-centuries-old shipyard in Germany, 144,000 tons of steel transforms into Disney’s newest cruise ship. Explore the World with National Geographic subscriptions: ➡ Subscribe: ➡ Get more Nat Geo Full Episodes: • National Geographic Full Episodes ➡ Get more Nat Geo Wild Full Episodes: • Shark vs.Spider

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数々の 名ドライバー&名シーン を輩出してきたドリフトイベント「いかす走り屋チーム天国(通称 いか天 )」が6年ぶりに復活するということで、審査員をしてきました。かつてのハチャメチャな感じ(裸芸)は、ライブ配信ということで自粛しましたが、バラエティに富んだ マシン達の 団体 ドリフト は、最高におもしろかった。 今回は、車載カメラを交えた 特別ハイライト版 でお届けします。 【三栄 スタッフ応募はこちらから】 ※常勤希望の方は「その他特記事項」の欄にご記入ください。… ライブ配信フルバージョンはこちらでご覧ください。… このチャンネルのメンバーになりたいという方は、是非こちらに。 / @nob2020Spider

Houston, TXSpider

On this episode of our podcast, we’ll discuss why the FBI investigates assassination attempts and the Bureau’s history of handling these kinds of cases. For a full transcript and additional resources, visit You can also visit to read our latest statements, press releases, speeches, and congressional testimony relatedSpider

United States Secret Service Acting Director Ronald L. Rowe, Jr., hosted a press engagement from the Secret Service headquarters in Washington, D.C., August 2, 2024. During the press engagement, he elaborated on a timeline of events in the days leading up to the attempted assassination of former President Trump andSpider

21st Century Security® strengthens the defense industrial base and provides greater value to our customers. We’re adopting and inserting 21st century digital technologies into the defense enterprise with a standards-based, open architecture approach. To build anti-fragility, we are advocating for supply chain diversification and enabling small and medium-sized businesses participationSpider

In this video we added a new sim rig to our house! Find My Merch Here! Want to Join CLUBHD? ——————————————————————- Dont forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more crazy content and come on future adventures with us! ——————————————————————– Follow Me On Instagram –Spider

Introducing the Lamborghini 634, the hybrid successor to Huracán, joining our HPEV lineup. This brand-new model is a clean-sheet design from Sant’Agata Bolognese and will be equipped with a twin-turbo V8 engine combined with a hybrid system incorporating three electric motors. The 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 boasts exceptional specific power ofSpider

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Un fallo con el sistema de Microsoft a nivel global está provocando problemas en numerosas empresas, entre ellas del sector aéreo, sanitario, financiero y medios de comunicación, así como en otras industrias. El gigante informático asegura que “la causa subyacente del problema ya ha sido solucionada”, y que después deSpider

🔴 Acompáñanos junto a nuestros presentadores Raúl Peimbert y Marcela Pérez Barros y nuestro meteorólogo Anthony Ortiz. De lunes a viernes de 5pm a 5:30pm hora centro. 📲 😉💬 👉 ¡SUSCRÍBETE! 🔴 YouTube:: / @univision45houston 🔵 Facebook: / noticias45houston ⚪ X: 🟣 Instagram: / univision45Spider

世界各地で起きている「ウィンドウズ」を搭載したパソコンでのシステム障害をめぐり、国内の空港ではきのう、一部の航空会社で国際線を中心に欠航便が出るなどの影響が出ました。 記者 「(きのう)午後10時前の羽田空港です。システム障害の影響が今も続いています」 世界的なシステム障害の影響で、羽田空港の国際線ではきのう、アメリカの3つの航空会社で欠航する便や出発が遅れる便が相次ぎました。 ハワイ・ホノルル行きに搭乗予定の人 「飛んでほしい、ただそれだけです」 「いつでもいいから行きたい、早く」 搭乗予定便が欠航し、ほかの航空会社で最後の1席を購入した人 「すごいほっとしているんですけど、現地に着くまでハラハラドキドキかなと思いますね」 一方、成田空港でも5つの航空会社に影響があり、ジェットスターはきのう28便が欠航したほか、きょうも福岡と成田を結ぶ路線で3便が欠航となります。 ▼TBS NEWS DIG 公式サイト ▼チャンネル登録をお願いします! / @tbsnewsdig ▼情報提供はこちらから「TBSインサイダーズ」… ▼映像提供はこちらから「TBSスクープ投稿」…. #ニュース #news #TBS #newsdigSpider