#RIMPAC2024 において、#陸上自衛隊 は、令和6年7月8日から13日の間、米陸軍及び米海兵隊と共同対艦戦闘訓練を実施しました。本訓練を通じ、島嶼(とうしょ)防衛作戦における対艦戦闘能力を向上させるとともに、日米の連携を更に強化することができました。 #JGSDF conducted a joint anti-ship combat exercise with the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps in the #RIMPAC2024 in July 2024. Through this exercise, we were able to improve anti-ship combat capabilities for defending Island, as well as establishing strong Japan-U.S. integration. ↓↓↓ 陸上自衛隊公式SNS・Webページ / jgsdf_pr /Spider

Watch as Wimbledon Champion, Spain’s Carlos Alcaraz, meets Wimbledon Patron, HRH The Princess of Wales after his victory over Novak Djokovic in the Gentlemen’s Singles Final. #Wimbledon #Tennis #Replay #AlwaysLikeNeverBefore #Final SUBSCRIBE to keep up with all The Championships action and news! Join myWimbledon for a personalised Wimbledon experience: http://wimbledon.com/mywimbledonSpider

圧政に耐えかねた隣村の住民たちを迎え入れ、ダンジョンの設備を整えたヴァンの辺境領地経営は順風満帆の兆しが見え始めていた。 そして緑森竜撃退の功績を認められた彼はついに男爵を叙爵し、実家からの横槍を気にせず領地改革に専念できるようになり―― 「誰もが安心して暮らせる環境を整えたい」 新たな奴隷たちの身分を開放し仕事と住居を与えたヴァンの身分問わず寄り添う行いは、瞬く間に領民の心を掴んでいく。 やがてそんな彼の姿は、自分の魔術を忌避し自信を失っている少女アルテの気持ちを大きく動かしていき……。 思いやりがさらなる発展を導く領地経営ファンタジー、第6幕! 著者: 青色まろ / 赤池宗(作) / 転 出版社名: オーバーラップ レーベル: ガルドコミックス 販売日: 2024年08月25日 シリーズ名: お気楽領主の楽しい領地防衛 年齢指定: 全年齢 作品形式: マンガ, 単行本 ファイル形式: コミックビューア(ブラウザ専用) ページ数: 182 ジャンル: 少年, 少年コミック, ファンタジー この作品はブラウザ視聴(コミックビューア)作品です。Spider

Project Guacamaya is fighting deforestation by monitoring the Amazon rainforest with Microsoft AI. Researchers are studying daily satellite images, observing animal behavior with hidden cameras, and listening to forest sounds with tiny microphones. AI processes this data faster than ever before, giving scientists the ability to observe changes and actSpider

A few years ago, the women of Sudan were on the frontlines of a revolution that brought civilian democratic governance to Sudan. Today, Sudan’s women are once again rising up to bring an end to the country’s civil war. A war that’s inflicted immense suffering on the Sudanese people andSpider

في خضم هذه المعارك وتداعياتها على الداخل الإسرائيلي، يتواصل قصف الاحتلال على مختلف مناطق قطاع غزة حيث أفادت مصادر طبية للجزيرة باستشهاد 47 شهيدا على الأقل في غارات إسرائيلية على منازل مأهولة في قطاع غزة منذ فجر اليوم الخميس لمزيد من التفاصيل معنا من دير البلح ….مراسل الجزيرة / أشرفSpider

مستمرون في تغطيتنا من قناة الغد للعدوان الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة.. المزيد من التفاصيل مع مراسلنا من القدس المحتلة إيمان جبور #محور_فيلادلفيا #إسماعيل_هنية #هنية #فؤاد_شكر #حزب_الله #حسن_نصرالله #فلسطين #غزة #غزة_تواجه_الإبادة #مصر #معبر_رفح #طوفان_الأقصى #إسرائيل #حماس #كتائب_القسام #خانيونس#Gazagenocide. – تردد قناة الغد: Nilesat | 11900/27500/V – البث المباشر: https://www.youtube.com/alghadtv/live —————————————— –Spider

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon, August 22nd. ————— Your military is an all-volunteer force that serves to protect our security and way of life, but Service members are more than a fighting force. They are leaders, humanitarians and your fellow Americans. GetSpider

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon, August 15th. ————— Your military is an all-volunteer force that serves to protect our security and way of life, but Service members are more than a fighting force. They are leaders, humanitarians and your fellow Americans. GetSpider

La delegada del Gobierno en Castilla-La Mancha, Milagros Tolón, ha condenado este martes los “ataques” a la familia del niño de 11 años asesinado en Mocejón (Toledo) de los “sembradores de odio” en las redes sociales, a quienes ha pedido que “sean humanos” y dejen de verter “bulos”, porque “hacenSpider

Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Andre Flamini, a Hospital Corpsman, discusses his time in the Navy and his time serving aboard the USS Constitution in Boston, May 16, 2024. (DoD video by Petty Officer 2nd Class Zachary Wheeler) For more on the Department of Defense, visit: http://www.defense.gov ————— Keep upSpider

At a military training facility in Poland, Ukrainian tankers are taught the use and maintenance of the powerful Leopard 2A4 main battle tank by instructors from NATO Allies Poland and Norway. The Leopard 2A4 main battle tank is the mainstay of many NATO armies, including Norway and Poland, whose instructorsSpider

Home secretary Yvette Cooper has promised to crack down on people pushing “harmful or hateful” beliefs and take a new approach to fighting extremism in the wake of riots that broke out across the UK. The Home Office says the project aims to provide analysis and recommendations on how toSpider

ILTV is joined by Colonel in reserves Professor Gabi Siboni of the Misgav Institute for national Security and the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, to discuss whether Iran will or will not respond to the alleged cyber attack on Iran’s banking system. Join our community now and receive 24/7Spider

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon, August 15th. ————— Your military is an all-volunteer force that serves to protect our security and way of life, but Service members are more than a fighting force. They are leaders, humanitarians and your fellow Americans. GetSpider

Taylor Swift will perform in the U.K. Thursday for the first show in the last stop on the international leg of her Eras Tour. CBS News’ Tina Kraus is following the security precautions after an apparent terror plot was averted in Austria before a Swift concert. CBS News 24/7 isSpider

Details emerge of how the IDF assassinated Hamad leader Mohammed Deif. Join our community now and receive 24/7 of new & original content from the State of Israel. https://www.iltv.tv Follow ILTV Israel News on Facebook – / iltvisraelnews Follow ILTV Israel News on Instagram – / iltv_israel Follow ILTV IsraelSpider

Rusiyadan müharibə barədə qərar | KTMT-nin məqsədi budur ki… Bizi WhatsApp-da izləyin https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAm… https://t.me/bakutvxeber / baku.tv / bakutvofficial https://www.baku.tv ARZUNUN VAXTI ➧ • ARZUNUN VAXTI QAPQARA ➧ • QAPQARA AYDIN TARİX ➧ • AYDIN TARİX ORALARDA NECƏDİR? ➧ • Oralarda necədir? O VAXTLAR ➧ • O VAXTLAR SONUNCU ŞAHİD ➧Spider

Onsdag den 14 augusti kl. 15.00 håller justitieminister Gunnar Strömmer en pressbriefing tillsammans med Johan Olsson, chef för Nationella operativa avdelningen vid Polismyndigheten, och Fredrik Hallström, operativ chef vid Säkerhetspolisen. På pressbriefingen ges en lägesbild av säkerhetsläget i Sverige.Spider

Ukrainische Männer zwischen 25 und 60 Jahren müssen sich seit Mai bei Behörden registrieren lassen. Viele von ihnen werden dann schnell in das Militär einberufen, um gegen Russland zu kämpfen. Einige verweigern den Kriegsdienst und versuchen aus der Ukraine zu fliehen. Sie haben Angst, wollen selbst eine Entscheidung treffen. DieSpider

A second region in Russia has declared a state of emergency, as Ukraine’s incursion into the country enters its second week. The governor of Belgorod said daily Ukrainian shelling is destroying homes and killing civilians, and Russia’s defence ministry says it shot down 117 Ukrainian drones over several regions overnight.Spider

FalconWorks® is our new centre for advanced and agile research and technology development in the Air Sector. It will deliver a long term customer-centric approach to R&D investments; horizon scanning to identify new capabilities and innovation initiatives that focus on what comes after next and also provide the capabilities ourSpider

The Swedish pilots working in the 1st Air Defense Group (1st GDA) are responsible for assisting and instructing the professionals of the Brazilian Air Force in activities and operations with the F-39 Gripen. Discover the work they conduct in this episode. Visit our homepage: https://goo.gl/bWJr3i Follow Saab on Facebook: /Spider

相關文章:廣州茶葉市場再度一夜崩盤 「泛茶」爆雷 https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/24/8/7/… 求告無門 中共南部戰區軍官到北京上訪 https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2024/08/13/a… #聽紀元 #網絡視頻 #大紀元新聞網 – 🔥普瑞堂玄寶黑蔘訂購網站:https://bit.ly/3KvVVQS 🔥普瑞堂植物魚油訂購網站:https://bit.ly/3VtUbOv 🔥輸入優惠碼DJY2024,即可享受全球免費郵寄! 北美熱線:1-888-753-1771 WhatsApp:+19293034877 Line:@puritang 電郵:info@puritang.com 💎商業合作:djynews@epochtimes.nyc 💎 捐款:https://donate.epochtimes.com/ ❤️ 留下Email,訂閱大紀元電子報! https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/subscri… 💎 Telegram: https://t.me/djynews 💎 Twitter: / dajiyuan 💎IG: / china_epochtimes 💠 爆料平台:+1 (201) 614-3989 ;talkdjy@gmail.com — 若您身在中國,能獲取第一手真實資訊,卻又無法自由表達心聲,大紀元為您提供快速及時的傳播窗口,將您看到、聽到的最新情況、百姓心聲與訴求以影片、照片、文字的形式發表在國際媒體,讓全球了解真相,並給予全力的支持與幫助! 💠 大紀元時報 :https://www.epochtimes.com​ 💠 大紀元爆料平台:https://x.com/china_epoch 🍀 乾淨世界:https://www.ganjingworld.com/zh-TW/ch… – ⚠️ 由於中國大陸信息封閉,很多事實真相被掩蓋隱藏,網友自拍的一些爆料視頻非常珍貴,我們媒體本著幫助大陸民眾發聲、揭露事實真相的初衷,經查證後發布出來,但有些事情和消息被中共封鎖極嚴,查證困難,難免會有疏失,如果網友及觀眾發現,可以給我們留言,我們會及時更正🙏Spider

共軍頻繁擾台升高台海情勢,國防部6日發布共機距離鵝鑾鼻33浬,外界比對後,質疑共機進入我方內水領土上方的領空,國軍否認共機有進入24浬鄰接區。不過國防部昨(13)日深夜做了修正,表示原繪圖基準點標註錯誤。 詳細新聞內容請見【公視新聞網】 https://news.pts.org.tw/article/709797 – 由台灣公共電視新聞部製播,提供每日正確、即時的新聞內容及多元觀點。 ■ 按讚【公視新聞網FB】 / pnnpts ■ 訂閱【公視新聞網IG】 / pts.news ■ 追蹤【公視新聞網TG】https://t.me/PTS_TW_NEWS ■ 點擊【公視新聞網】https://news.pts.org.tw #公視新聞 #即時新聞Spider

Today we would like to present you the full overview of the Rosoboronexport’s outdoor exposition at the ARMY-2024 International Military-Technical Forum.Spider

订阅频道,获取更多精彩:https://bit.ly/2GzuCVG 近日,南部战区海军某支队骆马湖舰、查干湖舰等多艘舰船,相继奔赴多个训练海域,展开多课目、跨昼夜实战化综合作战支援训练,提高部队遂行使命任务的能力。(视频来源:中国军号)Spider

Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the news media at the Pentagon, August 13th. ————— Your military is an all-volunteer force that serves to protect our security and way of life, but Service members are more than a fighting force. They are leaders, humanitarians and yourSpider

⚓️ 🇦🇪 Let’s look back at the delivery ceremony for the second Gowind® corvette Al Emarat to the United Arab Emirates, which took place on 27th June 2024. We also added for your enjoyment a couple of shots of the corvette sailing out of Lorient.Spider