Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) (Indonesian: Bursa Efek Indonesia, formerly Dutch: Vereniging voor de Effectenhandel) is a stock exchange based in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was previously known as the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) before its name changed in 2007 after merging with the Surabaya Stock Exchange (SSX). In recent years, the Indonesian Stock Exchange has seen the fastest membership growth in Asia. As of January 2024, the Indonesia Stock Exchange had 903 listed companies, and total stock investors were about 6.4 million, compared to 2.5 million at the end of 2019. Indonesia Market Capitalization accounted for 45.2% of its nominal GDP in December 2020. Founded on 30 November 2007, it is ASEAN’s largest market capitalization at US$744 billion as of 15 December 2023.

The current location of the Indonesian Stock Exchange is located in the IDX building in the Sudirman Central Business District, South Jakarta, close to Pacific Place Jakarta.

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