The Borsa İstanbul (abbreviated as BIST) is the sole exchange entity of Turkey combining the former Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) (Turkish: İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası, IMKB), the Istanbul Gold Exchange (Turkish: İstanbul Altın Borsası, İAB) and the Derivatives Exchange of Turkey (Turkish: Vadeli İşlem Opsiyon Borsası, VOB) under one umbrella. It was established as an incorporated company with a founding capital of ₺423,234,000 (approx. US$240 million) on April 3, 2013, and began to operate on April 5, 2013. Its slogan is worth investing.

Shareholders of Borsa İstanbul are: 49% Government of Turkey, 41% IMKB, 5% VOB, 4% IMKB members, 1% IMKB brokers and 0.3% IAB members. It is planned that all the Government-owned shares will be offered for sale. Among the executives of the nine-member board of directors, which is presided by chairman Himmet Karadağ, are former deputy chairman of ISE Osman Akyüz, former head of VOB Işınsu Kestelli, Merrill Lynch Investment Bank General Manager Hüseyin Kelezoğlu and Chairman of Turkish Association of Capital Market Intermediary Institutions Attila Köksal.


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