The brightness of the full moon will offer a rare view of the erupting volcanoes in Guatemala. We will be switching between Fuego and Santa Maria volcano so you don’t miss any eruptions of these two active volcanoes! The Santiaguito Vent chain is part of Santa Maria Volcano and the active vent is known as Caliente.

The dedicated 24/7 Livestreams of these two volcanoes can be found here:

Volcán Santa María:
Volcán de Fuego:


Music credits:
‘I Walk With Ghosts’, ‘Shadows and Dust’, ‘Cirrus’, ‘The Long Dark’, ‘Hymn To The Dawn’, ‘A Kind Of Hope’, ‘Permafrost’, ‘Last and First Light’, ‘Decoherence’’, Adrift Among Infinite Stars’, ‘Aurora’, ’Falling Together’, ‘What We Don’t Say’, ‘Beautiful Oblivion’, ‘Hiraeth’, ‘Ephemera’, ‘The Distant Sun’, ‘The Things That Keep Us Here’, ‘The Spaces Between’, ‘The Vision’, ’The Restoration’, ‘The Long Way Home’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

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